Title: Push Author: slaughterchichi Prompt: Weekly challenge #245 - push Fandom: Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora Pairing: SetsunaxKuu (OogamixKyoshiro yaoi in there too; sorry) Rating: PG Word count: 200
Title: Falling Author: slaughterchichi Prompt: Weekly challenge #187 - falling Fandom: Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora Pairing: SetsunaxKuu Rating: G Word count: 200
Title: Lost Author: slaughterchichi Prompt: Weekly challenge #183 - lost Fandom: Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora Pairing: SetsunaxKuu Rating: G Word count: 100 Note: Contains spoilers for the last episode.
Title: Remainder Author: slaughterchichi Prompt: Weekly challenge #180 - remainder Fandom: Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora Pairing: SetsunaxKuu (OogamixKyoshiro yaoi in there too; sorry) Rating: G Word count: 100
Title: Question Author: slaughterchichi Prompt: Weekly challenge #179 - question Fandom: Kyoshiro to Towa no Sora Pairing: SetsunaxKuu Rating: G Word count: 100